Courage Meditation (7 minutes) Cultivate space inside of your life and body for courage to grow.
Ocean/Fire Meditation (5 minutes) A meditation for grounded concentration and integration.
Unconcerned Meditation (7 minutes) A meditation to release thoughts and decrease anxiety.
Advanced Practice: Every week I will offer advanced practice. These practices will likely stir up emotions. Check in with yourself around what you need most right now. Save this for later if you feel emotionally tender. If you choose to use this meditation, make sure to drink water and take more time before and after the practice to allow yourself to move through transitions with more spaciousness.
Tunneling in the Body (12 minutes) Go deep into the body to heal, examine and explore pain and tension.
Journal Prompts: Monday 1. How am I tending to my practices so I can tend to the world?
Tuesday 2. How is my resiliency important to me, to the world? 3. What does my resiliency look like?
Wednesday 4. How do I deal with conflict? 5. How do I want to approach conflict? 6. What do I need to do this?
Thursday 7. Create a resiliency practice for your work, community or a comrade. Determine a time to practice with others leading them through your practice. Make sure to record your learning from practicing in community, revise and try again and again!
Friday 8. What are questions or challenge that have arisen for me during Resilient?
9. What am I learning?
Saturday 1. What was my favorite meditation or practice from this week?
2. What does this tell me about what I need?
Sunday 1. What have I learned during this 21-day practice?
2. What questions am I sitting with?
3. What commitments am I making beyond this program?
Blossom Breath (8 minutes) Breath work to root to the earth and open your heart.
Advanced Practice: Every week I will offer advanced practice. These practices will likely stir up emotions. Check in with yourself around what you need most right now. Save this for later if you feel emotionally tender. If you choose to use this meditation, make sure to drink water and take more time before and after the practice to allow yourself to move through transitions with more spaciousness.
Altar of Forgiveness (13 minutes) A meditation that works to open your subconscious through visualizations.
Monday 1. What are ways that your nourish yourself ? (Activities, food, people)? 2. What are the ways that you engage in malnourishing actions? 3. What is one small action you can take towards greater nourishment in your life today?
Tuesday 4. Today take ten minutes and write all the ways that you love yourself, your life and those you are sharing your life with (community, family, friends, partners, etc.).
Wednesday 5. What are your current self-love and relational love practices?
Thursday 6. What are love practices you’d like to adopt?
Friday Checking in: Have you tried all the meditations yet? Have you completed the worksheets? If not, try today or schedule a time this weekend to dive in.
7. Send a love text, a friendship text or write yourself a love letter. Consider recording this in your journal if you decide to write to someone else.
Saturday 8. What am I learning from love and about love this week?
Sunday 9. What have I learned from and about practice this week? 10. What have a learned about myself ? 11. Any other reflections.
Week One
PRACTICES Choose 1 each day.
Steady Practices:
Grounding Meditation (10 min) Breath work and simple visualizations work to get you grounded and steady.
Connection Breath (9 min) Meditation and breath for transition and greater connection.
Yoga Nidra (no movement) (28 min) Set yourself up on some blankets on the ground. Make sure you are comfortable! Yoga nidra means deep sleep. You may actually fall asleep during this meditation, that just means your body needed it! This meditation is working to get deep into your parasympathetic nervous system for restoration and repair. Benefits are many, including great for stress relief, better sleep and general healing.
Advanced Practice: Every week I will offer advanced practice. These practices will likely stir up emotions. Check in with yourself around what you need most right now. Save this for later if you feel emotionally tender. If you have an aversion to snakes, avoid this meditation all together. If you choose to use this meditation, make sure to drink water and take more time before and after the practice to allow yourself to move through transitions with more spaciousness.
Golden Serpent (8 min) Works to clear blocks and pain in the body.
Monday 1. What are my current practices? 2. How do these make me feel (you can generally answer this question or go through the list of each practice you listed above, ask yourself why to go even deeper)?
Tuesday 3. How is steadiness showing up in my life? My work?
Wednesday 4. What do I need to alter, change or allow for practice to happen?
Thursday 5. What thoughts or questions are arising from my practice this week?
Friday Checking in: Have you tried all the meditations yet? Have you looked at the Liberatory Leadership worksheet or completed the Building a Community of Care and Support Worksheet? If not, try today or schedule a time this weekend to dive in. 6. Which meditation have I connected to the most? 7. What does that tell me about myself ? 8. My life? 9. What I need/want?
Saturday 10. What am I learning from meditating daily? (after reviewing the Liberatory Leadership worksheet) 11. What aspects of Liberatory Leadership are strong in my life and work? What do I want to strengthen? How might I do that?
Sunday 12. What have I learned from and about practice this week? 13. What have I learned about myself ? 14. Any other reflections.